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As a result of the Bidenflation, which one expert claims “may be here forever,” one in six retirees is considering their decision to stop being retired.

It will undoubtedly persist if Biden wins re-election.

In the far-left USA Today, Patrice Onawunka bemoans the possibility that the “financial insecurity” triggered by inflation—which was initially brought on by “reckless federal spending”—will last forever.

“People have made the connection between bad government decisions and negative economic results. Inflation accelerated as a result of the government spending roughly $2 trillion on subsidies to almost every family during a period of supply-chain disruptions and heightened labor shortages. It became worse as a result of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and other industrial setbacks.”

“In an effort to deceive Americans, particularly seniors, the Biden administration and legislative Democrats approved a climate change measure under the fake name Inflation Reduction Act. The most fundamental and important requirements of households—rising housing, food, or energy prices—were never addressed by the measure. Any climate benefits would take years to materialize and may be outweighed by additional family expenses for new electric cars, which might run into the tens of thousands of dollars. The cost of the green subsidies, though, is more than triple what the law’s proponents promised.”

What could be crueler than enacting a measure with the misleading name “Inflation Reduction Act” that accomplishes the exact opposite?

55 percent of those who have previously had to unretire said that it was because they needed more money.

The White House and corporate media continue to lie to us by promising that the inflation issue would pass quickly, yet nothing ever appears to change.

Everything is going up in price, but notably housing. Meanwhile, His Fraudulency Joe Biden is exerting every effort to keep inflation high. The way the federal government spends is like a drunken sailor, which cheapens money. Even worse, Biden has let countless millions of illegal immigrants enter our nation, which raises the price of housing by increasing demand for limited housing.

“Housing is a need,” Onwuka tells us, “unlike other discretionary expenses. Rent costs in America are rising, which disproportionately affects older folks and those with low incomes, particularly those on fixed budgets.” In addition, she states that “10 million households headed by individuals age 65 and over spend in excess of a third of their earnings on housing, and half of them pay more than 50%.”

Biden is purposefully penalizing Americans who have lived their life by the book, who have paid their taxes, saved money, and worked hard. He is placing the interests of millions of illegal aliens—who raise demand for everything and drive up prices for everything—above the interests of those Americans.

In a little over four years, I intend to retire. I’ll never be wealthy, but since I started my first 401K in 1994, I’ve been putting money aside for that day. I like both my job and my coworkers. That isn’t the problem. The dream is the problem… the desire to live out your third act with the freedom and resources to accomplish anything you choose. Similar actions are taken by many working Americans who save money and forgo immediate enjoyment in order to prepare for their elderly years. As a result, I find it difficult to understand what it must be like to enter a dream before having it destroyed. The anguish of coming out of retirement, going back to the grind, and having to face Monday mornings all over again escapes me.

Author: Steven Sinclaire

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