Seven-time NY Times bestselling author Peter Schweizer showcases in his new book Blood Money, pro-Beijing groups financially supported by two China-linked billionaires are supporting the radical trans movement as a way to advance the Marxist agenda in the United States.
Schweizer, the head of the Government Accountability Institute and a major writer for Breitbart News, exposes China’s multifaceted, clandestine assault on the United States of America in Blood Money. Schweizer examines how two billionaires, Alibaba co-founder Joseph Tsai and American Neville Roy Singham, who is located in China, support radical activist organizations that utilize transgenderism as a weapon against the “capitalist order” in Chapter 6, “Destabilizing Democracy.”
The first subject of Schweizer’s attention is Singham, who was raised in Detroit, Michigan, and Jamaica. When he was a young man, he joined the League of Revolutionary Black Workers (LRBW) and embraced communist ideology. In the end, Singham founded the software company Thoughtworks and worked as a “strategic technical consultant” for Huawei, the Chinese tech corporation with ties to the military.
Eventually, Thoughtworks established an office in Beijing, and the Chinese capital hosted Thoughtworks’ Software Development Conference there in 2010. But in the end, Singham sold the business in 2017, which Blood Money claims was a “financial bonanza” for him and allowed him to pour money into a number of Chinese businesses, where he currently resides.
Schweizer reports that “Singham has invested more than $100 million into groups propelling the protest movement in the United States, all the while enjoying his luxurious life and contacts in Beijing.” ” Thoughtworks’ chief scientist, Martin Fowler, claims that Singham sold the business to finance his radical pro-Communist Chinese causes, which he considered his “activist activity.”
The People’s Forum initiative in New York is Singham’s biggest financial commitment, according to tax data cited by Schweizer. The chairman of the PSL (Party of Socialism and Liberation), which includes Claudia De La Cruz and Manolo De Los Santos, allegedly insisted that party members provide “militant political support of the Chinese government.”
Schweizer draws attention to the ways in which the PSL promotes the destruction of western values by utilizing the trans movement and several other Marxist, grievance-based groups.
The argument for transgender rights is one of the most contentious topics in American politics today. Schweizer writes, “You can also see the influence of these Beijing-affiliated groups and investors here. According to PSL, the radical Marxist movement now includes the trans movement as a core component. “There will be no gender-conforming revolution,” an article analyzing the significant proportion of transgender PSL members said.
He goes on, “These pro-Beijing organizations see the trans movement as a potent tool to further radicalize the movement and achieve their pro-Beijing agenda.”
They said, “They find it terrifying because our movements are so united.” “These are assaults that promote the interests of the capitalist class,” in reference to criticism of the transgender movement. The capacity to connect socialism, the anti-police movement, and radical black groups is “very, incredibly hazardous to the capitalist system,” the author adds.
Schweizer discovered that through an event named “Becoming Numerous: Legacies of Queer and Trans Rebellion,” Singham’s groups have also planned and supported initiatives to advance the LGBTQ cause in the American public discourse.
The co-founder of Alibaba, which is effectively a state-run business in China, Jospeh Tsai, has “poured millions of dollars toward trans causes and research in the United States,” according to Schweizer.
More precisely, with a $220 million donation, the Joe and Clara Tsai Foundation established the Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance in July 2021.
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